Sunday 9 June 2013

Skye Strumpet





n. the feeling that no matter what you do is always somehow wrong—that any attempt to make your way comfortably through the world will only end up crossing some invisible taboo—as if there's some obvious way forward that everybody else can see but you, each of them leaning back in their chair and calling out helpfully, colder, colder, colder.

ihaveabsolutelynoidea: Boston queer bloc


Boston queer bloc

you're cute. id like to see more of ya ;)

heh, thank you. i post pics when i feel like it!

slavefarmer: Danaerys Fucking Targaeyan. 


Danaerys Fucking Targaeyan. 


You understand do you? You understand how some days, I'm okay. I want to laugh and smile and create something beautiful, how I want to show the world that I'm alive, I want to feel air rush into and out of my lungs. And other days, I want to take a bullet to my head, sit in my room and drag blades across my body. How I want to break things, people and objects alike. I want to slit my throat, swallow handfuls of pills and get hit by a car. You understand how it feels, to be happy one day, then depressed the next?








bless this post

omg this 

finally some other people who feel the same. bless whoever made this post that is the most fucking relevant thing right now.

Oh damn. So very true.

aw guys, im here if you need xo

Love this so damn muchhhh

this is so rated.


smallworldofbigal: you-are-my-squidgy: 6puffthemagicdragon9: b...










Fuck slut shaming.

It's not slut shaming, it's called self respect. You just don't show your breasts all the time, they're privates. Shut the fuck up.

why should anyone's nipples be such a big deal though? it's a bit weird to say that it's okay for men to be shirtless and not women… I respect myself quite a bit and sometimes I've posed topless. it doesn't make me a bad person and if someone loses respect over me showing a body part that literally everyone has, they're regressive.

The reason breasts are considered "privates" is because misogynist culture oversexualizes the female breast despite it not being a sexual organ. The fact the males can go around shirtless in most public places (even if they are large enough to have breast-like pecs themselves) and females can't is sexism, end of story.

Self respect isn't about rather or not you show your breasts, it's about being comfortable with your choices. If you want to pose topless, that's okay. If you don't, that's okay too. What's not okay is doing what the girls in the top picture are doing and saying you're better than someone else because you choose one way and they chose another.

Telling women that they should be ashamed for choosing something that doesn't hurt them or others (and by hurt them, I mean like choosing to do drugs or something like that), you are contributing to the patriarchy and oppression.

bolded for emphasis

reblogs because yes

sorry guys I sort of have to reblog this

not just topless, but with the front door open

dreamstatebird: her, please.


her, please.

boundobedience: element a440 02 by *tatehemlock


element a440 02 by *tatehemlock

girlsworshippingdoom: OMG <3


OMG <3

ivyblossom: thisherlockspeare: An ordinary day of 221B Baker...



An ordinary day of 221B Baker Street

I really love that they have breakfast together. I just do, I love that. I like the scene it suggests, and the many other scenes it's clearly built upon. There's a familiarity about it all; they've done this before. They do this all the time. They have a routine of sorts. This is their life. It's good.

John gets up, takes a shower, gets dressed: Sherlock doesn't bother. He just pulls on his dressing gown and sits down to eat.

Does John wake up first?

Everything suggests that he does; he's the one who's dressed. Not that that's the most definitive evidence in the world. Sometimes, we know, Sherlock doesn't appear to bother getting dressed all day. In canon, Watson notes Holmes' typical late mornings. And John, on the other hand, has probably spent most of his adult life in the military; a life full of early mornings. That's a tough habit to break. Can I make a presumption, then? (This is fiction, not science, after all. I don't need water-tight evidence to form an opinion and run off on a tangent. Obviously.) That's it, settled: John wakes up first. Most of the time, surely. 

Does John wake Sherlock for breakfast? Or does he move as quietly as he can through the morning, putting the kettle on, picking up the paper, peering into the fridge, waiting to hear a familiar huff and grumble from Sherlock's bedroom? Any moment now. Any moment. Look at John: he's happy. He likes his breakfasts with Sherlock. So he waits for it: any moment now, Sherlock will wake up and join him. He doesn't ask for company; he just gets it.

Does Sherlock wake up when John puts the kettle on? Does he wake up to the sound of John pulling plates down from a cupboard, or running water into the sink? Or is it when John's in the shower that he wakes up, to the sound of water running, the sound of it hitting John's skin, then drifts off into a half-sleep again until he hears the kettle boil?

In any case, Sherlock gets up. Eventually. Before his breakfast is cold. Just in time, probably.

He rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He yawns. he doesn't bother to do up his dressing gown.  John probably says, "Good morning," or something like it. A dig about the evening before, a complaint about an experiment, or too much noise in the night, or a question about a case. Do they pick up a conversation where they left off? Something half-finished from the evening before? Or new things, random things, the things you say in the morning. "I dreamed I was on boat." I can't imagine Sherlock would be that interested in hearing about dreams, or relating them. But you start conversations like that in the morning, just because. It's the familiarity. "We were going in circles, and no one noticed." Nothing that requires a comment. Just things you say.

And they have breakfast, drink coffee, read the paper. They probably chat about the headlines. It's an ordinary day. Nothing remarkable. It's moments before the next thing happens.

This is probably as happy as either of these men will ever be.



fuzzkitty: ""I don't know if I have any style. I dress...


""I don't know if I have any style. I dress according to my mood and that fluctuates a lot. Sometimes I want to be seen and sometimes I don't." - Debbie Harry

cloudydaysunshine: Princess treats for a good girl <3


Princess treats for a good girl <3

northwestbbm: Such a cute ass.


Such a cute ass.


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