Friday 7 June 2013

Erotic -Sensation







I want to have sex with my boyfriend and do does he but is it bad that I'm 16 and he is still 15?

No it's not bad. But don't rush into things if your not ready and don't plan anything, Let it happen naturally.


ive seem many porns and i never like penis... i mean i just dont like lookin at it and i dont feel any attraction at all! but i released i dont feel confortable either. do u think its about not bein ready or not bein straight? do u think there is a time when te person is not ready that it just rejects and think its nasty, even if the person is a teenager? because i would do it... i dont know if its about havin the feelin for the person or not.. maybe i dont feel attracted cuz im not in love

It might be because your not ready. You don't want to rush into the thought of being gay. Because it takes a lot to decide that! Don't pressure yourself and don't rush yourself either. You might not just be ready for that at the moment.


I have a heavy daily discharge (I think thats what you would call it), and so I usually wear a daily liner in my underwear but I get really uncomfortable about what to do when it comes to sex. Im really selfconcious about using them and not want my partners to know. Thoughts?

Discharge is just normal. It can be anything from menstruation to being turned on during the day. If you are self conscious about this, i would seek medical advice.

I want sex but my boyfriend broke up with me please help:(

I wouldn't recommend to go and have a one night stand. It may be hard but wait until your in a relationship.

Hello! Me and my boyfriend have sex frequently, but usually when we do it, it's like he's pushing against my stomach? It happens in most positions and i'm not sure if it's normal or not. It feels really weird and uncomfortable. I'm also a pretty short person, i'm around 4'11 ft tall, so that might have something to do with it?

Height's nothing to do with sex. If you have tried everything, like extra foreplay and lube and so on. I would go seek medical advice.



My boyfriend and I have had sex but I'm so paranoid about getting pregnant. We use condoms but I'm not on birth control. Is birth control necessary when having sex or can I just continue using condoms safely? I really don't wanna go on the pill

Well condoms are very effective but you can get pregnant even if the chances are very small. I would say take birth control and condoms. But it's what you feel more comfortable with!

Hi me and my boyfriend have been sexually active for 5 months and we've just started having actual sex for 2 months now. I can't cum, like I can feel myself building up but right away I just want to stop. I've heard that girls usually have to learn how to cum. What do I do? I swear me and my boyfriend have tried everything

You've only just started having sex, don't rush it. Many girls take months or even a long time to experience that climax. But it is also very common not to achieve orgasm. It will happen, don't focus to much on it or it will make your sex life suffer!


Posing! This is me by the way,

Posing! This is me by the way,


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